Business Insurance
The last thing any business wants to deal with is property damage to their structures that they own. Operations cannot be shut down for long if the business is going to make it. However, it is important not to take less than you deserve on your insurance claim. In this regard reporting your claim quickly is imperative to getting it resolved quickly. Documenting your damages and hiring professionals to prove your loss is also important.
We can review your commercial policy first to see what coverages may be available or whether you’re just barking up the wrong tree. The Ross Legal Group can give you accurate advice as to how long your insurance claim may take, what expenses you may have to incur in the meantime and whether operations can proceed even when inspections need to occur. You may be leaving money on the table, so please contact the Ross Legal Group as soon as possible in order to go over what could be rightfully yours.
Commercial Property Insurance Benefits:
Business Interruption
This will put you back in the place as if you did not experience a loss. It should provide funds necessary to sustain the insured business while its operations are suspended as a result of repairs to damage caused by a covered peril. It typically pays a business’s profit if the business has continuing operating expenses, including payroll, for a specific time period.
Extra Expense
This coverage is for mitigating the business loss, if the property cannot be used due to repairs. This covers the increased costs associated with operations if the business must be relocated temporarily to a different location while the covered property is restored. This may include setting up trailers, or hiring additional staff to assist with staying open. It is intended to offset expenses associated with returning to normal operations.
Fair Rental Value
This coverage pays for lost rental income when a covered rental property is made uninhabitable by a covered event and renters move out. A lease or a rental agreement is helpful in estimating the amount of coverage that will be paid.
Property Damage
Including the buildings, fixtures, machines, furnishings, raw materials, and inventory.
Civil Authority
This coverage provides business income benefits when a civil authority prohibits access to the insured property due to direct physical loss or damage to other property. It is most commonly triggered during mandatory evacuations.
Loss of Ingress or Egress
This coverage provides benefits when, as a direct result of a covered peril, ingress to or egress from real and personal property is prevented.
These benefits can sustain a business through a disaster and recovery. Know which coverages you purchased, and claim the benefits you are owed.

Don’t Get Bullied By Your Insurance Company
Prove your claim - Get fair treatment - Assert your rights in Court
We have fought for policyholder interests against hundreds of large insurance companies including these:

1800 Second Street Suite 765 – Sarasota, FL – 34236
Call Now : 941-275-1998