Malicious Acts Are Often Covered By Insurance
Homeowners are often victims of theft or vandalism, what many do not understand is that this is a covered loss under almost all homeowners policies. If you find that someone damaged your home, business or rental property, contact the police and report the incident. Then report your claim to the insurance company.
The majority of theft and vandalism are proved through the police reports filed at the time of the incident. It is crucial that authorities are contacted in the event of the incident to support theft and vandalism insurance claims. Criminals usually do not stay around to make their victims whole, but your insurance carrier should be there to help you. If they are not, contact the Ross Legal Group and we can help you recover what is rightfully yours.
The majority of theft and/or vandalism cases are covered under your insurance policy. As the insured it is up to you to document what was stolen and damaged and submit that to your insurance carrier. It is important to report all of what was missing to the police as well. This will support your claim to be real person for your loss. Accurate photographs of before and after photographs are also helpful.
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Being prepared for each and every scenario will help you to rest easier throughout your theft/vandalism insurance claim process. In the case that your business is affected by theft and/or vandalism, you as a business owner may also qualify for a business interruption insurance claim.
The toughest thing to prove after a theft is whether you owned the item. Plus, insurance carriers will always challenge the value of the item, and seldom take your word for it. Having photographs of your property is a good way to document what you had, and the quality of the item before it is taken. Taking photographs of all items in your house or business is an important part of maintaining your property and hopefully preventing insurance carriers from denying or underpaying claims in the future. It is important to document expensive items that you may have. If you are a landlord it is important to take photos of your property future tenants move in so that you can prove the quality of the residence prior to the tenant possibly causing intentional damage. Proper inventories of your belongings is always highly recommended. other items such as photos or credit card statements could also prove ownership
Vandalism and Malicious Mischief
Vandalism can occur to anyone at any time. One of the first thoughts that enter your mind upon realizing you are a victim of vandalism is, how am I supposed to be made whole again? Most damages from an act of intentional vandalism are covered within a standard commercial property and homeowner’s insurance policies, but exceptions can occur. Coverage for vandalism to your property depends on several facts. Has your property been vacant for 30 days? 60 days? Coverage for your vandalism claim may not apply if the house has been completely devoid of furnishings for more than 30 or 60 days. It’s important to read all policy language in your policy to determine whether coverage would apply or not.. It is recommended to property owners to consider a vacancy endorsement if it is their intent that the home should be vacant for an extended period of time. If your house contains furnishings and is a vacation home your home may not be considered vacant but rather just unoccupied.
Intent is the hallmark for proving that the damage to the house was caused by vandalism or malicious mischief. Hard living, and wear and tear are not covered, but if the argument can be made that a tenant, or person other than the named insured, made intentional damage, such as graffiti, or drug manufacturing, then there could be coverage for your loss.

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