Wind & Weather Is Often Covered
Tornadoes, unnamed windstorms, summer storms, and other storms that rolled through in the wintertime cold fronts can wreck havoc on your home. Shingles missing, hail strikes and water coming through your home is a common occurrence.
High winds can cause major damage to your property. Wind claims involve shingles blowing off the roof, trees falling on your property, fences blown down and windows leaking from the pressures imposed by the wind ripping open window seals.
Wind pressures can also cause roof membranes or panels to be blown up and cause water to enter into layers underneath the roofing system causing water to trickle down into the building. This type of damage can also bring hidden damages that aren’t realized And the properties first inspected. Latent water is hanging on the walls and can pop up later after walls are removed and mold is discovered. Damage caused by wind is covered in most homeowners insurance policies, however there can be exclusions or limitations which may cause your claim to be denied. The Ross Legal Group has handled countless wind damage claims and help policyholders every day to recover what is rightfully owed.
Any windstorm including summer storms and winter cold fronts causing damage to your home or trees to topple over or covered losses. They are not subject to the large hurricane deductible listed in your policy. These claims are sometimes denied by insurance companies as they pass off these damages as wear and tear to your roof or a tree that was going to fall over anyway. It is important not to accept his denials and to pursue the claim and research into the weather storm because of the event.
Insurance carriers often under pay these claims arguing that roofs can be repaired. Remember that shingles that are old or 10 years or older often become brittle. The repairability and pliability of the shingles is vastly diminished, and any roofer will tell you that if the underlayment is older it is harder to patch. Please discuss any repair quote from your insurance carrier with a licensed roofer to determine feasibility of the roof repair and don’t take no for an answer.
Wind & Weather Damage? Review Your Case.
Hail is reported often in the south and can cause a considerable damage to the roof covering. How can diminish the lifetime of your roof and cracked tiles and more shingles. Physical loss to shingles is covered. Hail is often hail claims are often denied by insurance companies because they blame it on where in tear however if a storm hit and the science proves that a major storm is the cause of damage than it is covered.
Hail damage is deceptive and can be quite expensive to fix. Hail can be particularly troublesome on a roof that has a low slope or flat roof with asphalt shingles. The good news is that most homeowners insurance policies cover damage from hail.
Hail is possible within two miles of any thunderstorm, meaning hail can occur practically anywhere if the natural conditions permit.
Insurers may try to argue the damage suffered from a hail storm does not fit the conditions necessary for a claim. Insurance companies, and Lily will call hail strikes simple wear and tear marinara deterioration and deny the claim. Hail is damage to the roof and affects the structural integrity of the watershed in capabilities. License engineers should be consulted to determine whether replacement is necessary or a repair. At Ross legal group we fight for policyholders to hold their insurers feet to the fire to ensure their clients have protection from property damage, including damage occurring from hail.
Lightning is also a covered cause of loss. Lightning strikes can cause physical damage to patios, pool decks, and roofs, but can also cause electrical disturbances to appliances, electrical wiring systems, and electronics in your home or business. Ross Legal Group has been able to recover thousands of dollars for damaged electronics, cracked pool decks, faulty wiring and electrical surge is caused by lightning. Experts are needed to prove that lightning was the cause of damage. Keep detailed and accurate list of all property that was damaged. Don’t throw away any lightning damaged items as you will need those items to prove that they were damaged from lightning. Electricians are an expert in that is needed to show the evidence of the lightning surge as the actual cause of loss

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